In thinking back over the past year, I realize just how many
amazing moments and milestones I experienced. I got engaged to
the love of my life, learned that I was expecting, and started a new job (all
in the space of a few months!). I traveled to Mexico to get to know my fiancĂ©’s
hometown and relatives. I moved to a new apartment. I deepened my spirituality
and, in doing so, found a wonderful religious community that is diverse,
open-minded, and accepting. I made new friendships. I immersed myself more in
the natural world and strengthened my connection to the earth and its beauty.
My new years resolutions for 2013 are straightforward because I know that these goals are much more likely to get accomplished if they are simple and realistic.
So, what are my
goals for 2013?
Smile more. Laugh more. There is
nothing like a good chuckle to brighten up a day and I realize that oftentimes,
when I am tired and stressed after a long day, I tend to focus on the negative.
My goal is to let go of that negativity and learn to enjoy the present with a smile and an open heart.
Get outside. Though I think I did a
pretty good job of getting back to nature this year, I did not manage to go camping
or explore Yosemite (two things I want to make sure I accomplish this year).
Being out in nature is so important to mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Not to mention, there is some pretty neat research coming out about how being
outdoors can improve creativity and problem-solving skills by as much as 50% (
Understand that parenthood is a learning
experience. It’s easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed about
becoming a parent. Some days I wonder if I’ll have what it takes and if I’ll be
able make the right decisions for my child. Then I remind myself that parents
are regular people who make mistakes, too, and that mistakes are all a part of
learning to parent. The most important thing is that my child feels loved,
safe, and cared for.
More soy-based products, less meat. This
has been a goal for a while and I have been successful in incorporating more
tofu in my cooking and using soy milk instead of cow milk (which I have never
liked). By soy-based products, I don’t mean fake meats and other highly
processed substitutes made from soy. I’m referring to more natural soy products
like edamame, tofu, and tempeh, all of which are great alternatives to meat.
Write more. I’m a bit embarrassed
with how little writing I have managed to accomplish over the past six months.
Understandably, I have been pretty busy with other things, but I would like to
make writing and blogging a main focus of my life this year. I’m hoping that the extra time provided by my maternity leave will give me an opportunity to write more…but
then again, this may be a lofty and unrealistic expectation, since I know motherhood will encompass a whole other set of challenges!
What are your goals for 2013?