Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gardens and More!

We're here! After one busy weekend, including many trips up and down six flights of stairs, we've settled into our new home and are loving it. The place is an adorable 2-bedroom house with a little yard out back. It's a big change for us, going from living a mostly "urban" lifestyle in Oakland where we could walk almost everywhere to a more suburban town where we mostly drive everywhere, but after having a kid, I've come to appreciate the suburbs and what they have to offer. Also, no words can adequately describe how happy I am to finally have a washer/dryer and dishwasher in our new place, after going two years without either of these amenities. As anyone who has a children knows, these things become infinitely more important once there's a baby in the picture (because, let's face it, baby = lots more laundry and lots more dishes).

One thing I was sad to leave behind was the little community garden plot that I've been working on with a good friend of mine for the past two and half months. When I found out we were moving, I neglected it a bit and it went kind of wild after the rains, but I went back one last time to say goodbye and here is what I found:

After just two months, I had several delicious radishes ready to be picked, a BUNCH of arugula, green onions, and a very happy potato plant. So, not too bad for my first real gardening extravaganza!

I'm so excited to start gardening in my very own yard. So much so, that I went out a splurged on a nice compost bin and a cute little lemon tree today! I know I need to focus my efforts on unpacking and acquiring new furniture before I do anything in the yard but....

P.S.: I'll post pics of the new place once we're a little more moved in. It's still mostly boxes as of right now. :)

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